The Anarchist's Cookbook v5.1 is courtesy of RFLAGG and The Jolly Rodger. I do not consider any of the acts described in these texts to be safe or easy to execute, and I did not spell-check or censor these works. However, they all are ways of causing mass destruction and or a dangerous situation. Please do not be stupid, as weapons have no prejudice and will kill the user just as easily as they will their target. Respect all weapons and explosives with undivided attentention when in their presence. THIS MATERIAL IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!! For offline viewing, email me and I will send you the 1.1MB file in a stuffit archive. The file I send will be crude, but it will contain some things not included in this homepage. Additionally, if you would like to see my other homepage, please stop by https://members.tripod.com/~diedewy